
Product Designer - Developer

Hello, I'm Raphael. I'm a designer and developer of some sort. I'm currently building a Flutter mobile app with VueJS back office at Letzgo.

Before Letzgo, I co-founded iProfe, an app for private teachers (A PWA built with vueJS and Firebase).

Before iProfe I helped on the creation of the best flashlight coupons at CupomCabron, working with Javascript, PHP(codeigniter) and mySQL. Meanwhile, I also worked for 10 years (2006-2016) at ExxonMobil I'm also a curator on and was the product designer of nununc an awesome news agreggator, back in 2014

On my early career days (20 years ago...) I worked in ad agencies and design studios as a designer, which means doing anything and everything, like web design (macromedia flash was still around), desktop publishing, 3D modeling & animation, 35mm films, video editing, After-effects post production and so on.

You can find me on twitter, or on dribbble or even on linkedin